Hey everyone, I appreciate your patience. I am back, I had a big move that came up suddenly and now that I am fully moved in I can start streaming with you beautiful people again, I will be streaming Sundays to start and seeing how it goes from there.
Hey everyone, I apologize for such a long radio/stream silence, I have been dealing with a lot of personal issues that had to take center stage before everything else. I miss you all and I am hoping things settle down in my personal life so I can get back on.
Hey everyone, Jazmine here. I know I have not been on in a while and I apologize, I have been struggling with medical issues recently and I am trying to recover well enough to get back on, I miss talking with everyone that has come to my room, I ask that everyone is patient while I get better.
Sorry everyone, I planned on being on flirt today but an unexpected emergency came up that needed my attention, if I have time after everything is finished I will be on. I will be posting pictures this week so you guys can have something to look forward to.~Much love, Jazmine Reign
Many apologies for being distant guys, I have been busy with off flirt life and I have been a little distracted. I have also been trying to figure out some background items for when I stream again and I am excited to show things off when I am on again.
Hey everyone, I wanted to announce that I am finally feeling well enough to get back on to flirt with you guys, I will be getting on on Mondays, when exactly on will change each Monday but I am for sure back, I have missed all of you.
I have not forgotten about any of you, I have just had a lot going on in my real life that I needed to address before I could come back to flirt and stream for you guys. I am needing to start a new routine in the outside world, I hope to see you guys when I am ready to come back.
Hey everyone, I have noticed that no one has been reading my service/tip menu, if you guys want something from me, please read it and we can go from there.
I have a much more stable internet connection for streams now so I will be able to spend more time with you guys.
Hey everyone, I have pictures for sale for anyone interested, messages me at any time if you would like some.
I had an idea for the person/people who want to see something new/different. I had the idea to let whoever tips the highest in a month choose what color hair I appear in in a future stream, it would take a little while due to availability of salons but it will give you the chance for more interaction with me.
So I thought it was time to put some of my goals out there because I need everyone's help to get to them. I would like to be able to get a fan club going and that requires 10,000 credits and I need 9,546 more as of this post to get to that point. My next goal is to be able to put money aside for future procedures that I will need done in time.
I have received my lovense toy so you guy have the potential to interact with me during private sessions, anyone interested in taking control of it should reach out during streams and we can negotiate on pricing
Hey everyone, I just wanted you guys to be aware that I have an updated tip/service list on my bio, anyone can request it at any time as long as you have the credits. Let's have some fun everyone. Much love, Jazmine.
I will be streaming most days, if anyone wants to chat or go to a private show I will be willing.
To anyone who reads my blogs, I will be getting on stream roughly five(5) days a week, I have no set schedule unfortunately due to my schedule at work being all over the place but I WILL be on between 30-60 minutes per stream, I will try to offer private streams once a week for those who want a little extra other than general chat.Much love, Jazmine Reign
I had a few ideas I would like to do for up coming streams and I would enjoy feedback from you guys during streams, this wont take away from requests during streams. I am still trying to get a couple things in order outside of flirt to bring you guys the best experience possible and it takes time, I will bring you guys the best experiences possible as often as I can.
Hey everyone, I just wanted to make an opening blog here for you guys. My name is Jazmine Reign and as of this post, I am new to flirt4free. I would love to be able to live chat with you guys on my off days so feel free to hit me up if you see me online.
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